Michele Mitchum著

支持信贷流动的创新方案, 包括先前学习(CPL)或先前学习评估(PLA)的学分, 可以帮助学生更快地实现他们的教育目标吗

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 我很高兴地与大家分享,它提供合格的学生参加其 传统的在线工商管理硕士(MBA)或 管理学硕士(MM) programs an opportunity to earn credit for prior learning towards specific graduate degree courses in these programs. 认识到学生的不同经历和专业知识, the university offers CPL at the graduate level to satisfy specific degree requirements as a way to recognize and incorporate the learning from the knowledge and skills learners have acquired through work experience, 认证, 或者独立研究.

"I am proud of our commitment to empower working adult learners by recognizing the many forms of knowledge and learning they bring to the table through credit for prior learning options. Recognizing that learning can come from all levels and from all sources is a reflection of our mission, and granting credit for prior learning as part of our graduate business programs is an example of this,约翰·伍兹说。, Ph.D.他是教务长兼首席学术官. “此外, leveraging credit for prior learning allows students to accelerate degree completion and is a natural extension of our skills-based approach to higher education.”

CPL在本科阶段已经存在了几十年, 尽管一些学校已经开始提供研究生水平的CPL推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 在美国的大学里,这仍然不是一种普遍做法. 研究表明,对研究生水平教育的需求日益增长 and indicates the growing number of non-traditional graduate students who could potentially benefit from graduate-level CPL.

Credit for prior learning is an important part of the University’s mission to make education accessible and available to working adult learners, 包括研究生推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. In the event a student qualifies for credit from prior life and work experiences they may be able to obtain a degree at a faster pace than they might have otherwise. Credit for prior learning and prior learning assessment options are available for certain courses in the Master of 业务 Administration (MBA) and 管理学硕士(MM) programs. Currently there are three courses in which credit for prior learning can be awarded in the MBA program, 每个人都有自己的重点领域:




Justin 弗里曼 is currently enrolled in the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 MBA program and pursued all three credit for prior learning opportunities to satisfy courses in his degree program.  弗里曼, who is on-track to graduate in May of 2025 and is employed full-time in the oil and gas industry, says credit for prior learning was an attractive opportunity to leverage his nearly 20 years of professional leadership experience as learning to be translated towards college credit.

“I completed my associate and bachelor's degrees at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 and was familiar with CPL because I used it to satisfy some of my undergraduate credits. 当我决定攻读MBA时, I was excited to know there were CPL options and eager to learn how I could continue to leverage my professional experience for credit,弗里曼说。. “I started my first MBA CPL six weeks into the program and was happy to see that the structure of the MBA CPL was similar to my other assessments, 所以我觉得追求这个选择很舒服. All in all, because I used CPL I shortened the length of my degree program by more than three months.”

除了在传统的MBA推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中预先学习的学分之外, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供一种 MBA-CB程序 intended for students holding an undergraduate degree in business management and at least three years of professional experience in the field.

去年,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜发布了 一个白色的 基于历史政策考察高等教育障碍, 程序, 以及没有考虑到成年学习者的信念. In an environment where many institutions are looking for ways to support adult students with some college and no degree, the white 纸 posits that creating a credit mobility culture is needed to ensure higher education is built to support an increasingly diverse student population in completing their educational goals.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 has made significant investments in creating a credit mobility culture, 包括制定灵活的政策和计划, 接受之前的学习作为一个可行的学分来源, 提高转会结果和选择的清晰度, 消除影响学生进步的障碍, 并通过相关的支持服务赋予学生权力.

Individuals interested in learning more about earning college credit for work and life experiences may use the 大学储蓄探索者®工具, which was designed to help prospective students explore the potential opportunities to save time and money at the University. 储蓄探索者® 工具提供有关奖学金机会的信息, 以及转换大学学分和获得先前学习的学分, 国家测试项目, 其他推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜提供者, 还有服兵役.



推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 innovates to help working adults enhance their careers and develop skills in a rapidly changing world. 灵活的时间表, 相关的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 交互式学习, 技能映射推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为我们的学士和硕士学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, and a 职业服务 for Life® commitment help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 凤凰城.edu.